Monday, July 06, 2009

7th July 2009 (Never & Forever)

hi peeps!! another day has passed, another sunset has been witnessed ^_^

as the title states, never, a very interesting word, always used in negative statements. however, it is only negative becoz it is USED negatively. think about that for a moment. we use this word in the most negative of sentences, to portray our disgust, our disapproval, so often that we label it this word as a negative.

while i was driving home just now i realized something, something very profound and very true. we will NEVER own anything on this earth, not your car, not your family, not your life. it is all temporary, all will be left when you die, as like you leave your physical body, your loved ones, everything. when you like or want something or someone, your ego begins to tell you that you NEED to OWN it. this is the point where you start to justify reason, in your mind, why you should own this person or this object. ownership is just an illusion, no matter how much you want to believe that its real. it is just one of those things that will keep getting you depressed and disappointed. time to let go ^_^
all that you say, all that you do, will be forever. these words are as truthful as the sunrise and sunset. words are very powerful. war, destruction, malice, prejudice, hatred, anger, words can cause all these things. an example? hitler and WWII. he spoke his words and many people lost their lives. our actions are similarly powerful. have you not realized that what you have learned is bcoz someone taught it to you? their "action" has caused you to learn something. this can be said for all actions, some might a kin it to newton's law but there is a difference. for every negative action that you do, it multiplies and travels, sometimes coming back to you. thats what some people call karma, or the saying "what goes around, comes around".
a simple act of kindness, a kind word, can make a big difference in the world. words can heal the soul, actions can bring about peace. i am not saying that you merely stop saying harsh words, as some of those words have truth in it. remember that truth can be found anywhere, in a word, in an action. keep an eye out for it. as some would say, "do unto others as you would unto yourself". actions and words are just energy, and as energy it passes on. make the choice, pass on positive energy ^_^
well i guess thats all peeps

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