Thursday, April 28, 2005

28 April 2005 (The Quickening)

its been a while since my last post.. i've been a very busy bee.. my jap oral exam (sounds dodgy doesnt it?) went extremely well despite my early nervousness.. completed my jap assignment and handed it in on da same day.. then it started.. first N texted me sayin dat ST had gotten married last month.. big surprise!!! she didnt expected it, i didnt expected it.. it was just so sudden.. then we found out why he didnt reply da birthday text she sent him.. the msg contained 2 parts of 2 different msgs.. the upper part was right while the other half was CP's msg... wat a mess up!! Strike 1!!! then N got a birthday text from CP... they got talking but CP was being a jerk and acting childish.. she tried to explain wat was goin on cause she thought he'd want to kno since he is still da bf.. but turns out he was more interested in talkin bout his work probs and kept on changing da topic when she tried to talk about "them"... this just proves that he doesnt care.... it makes me think dat he got with her because she was goin 2 be a doctor n she's gonna earn big bucks... he wasnt even supportive n didnt wanna listen to her troubles n woes.. it makes me sick.. its just not humanly possible to do such a thing... Strike 2!!! N and i got talkin... we discussed bout the stuff dats happened and finally came with a few solutions... if she does receive bad news from da uni, its the last straw but at least she'll be home... she wants to dump CP but she cant come bout how since he's so stubborn n utter stupid... trust me he's so stupid, he couldnt see a dog even if it was right infront of him.. n since he owes her money (like $1500) i suppose she cant just dump him without gettin it back.. so i suggested her to forget da money, dump him and start off fresh and stay outta da game for a while.. u kno take a breather... i kno i'm not suppose to suggest such things but believe me, this guy definitely deserves it.. i pity the next girl who falls for him.. i wish i could just rid this world of him permanently for the sake of mankind... he made her cry so much its a wonder chameleon hasnt killed him yet... but chameleon doesnt know yet.. N asked me to break the news to her and Z... guess it aint gonna be pretty... well peeps, this story is to be continued another time... adios...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

20th April 2005 (My SoulMate)

a lot of things has happened.. very wierd things... N and i have noticed that we have the same tendencies and not to mention the same behaviourial patterns.. whoa.. i just sounded like a 17 year old kid who was into psychology... which was me when i was 17 of course.. hahaha.. lets take 4 example last sunday, the 17th.. i was at chameleon's place doin work n i was msgin N at the same time.. suddenly i had the urge to lie down n take a nap.. when i woke up, N msged me sayin that she just woke up 2.. so we both slept at the same time and woke up around the sam etime as well.. coincidence? maybe.. lets take another time.. yesterday.. i was msgin her.. at that time i was lying on my bed, rolling around.. then i found out that she was doin the same thing while she was msgin with me! another coincidence? maybe.. how about last week when we were talking on the phone n both of us decided to rip the skin off our blisters? hhmmmm... it seems to me dat these coincidences are certainly not.. a coincidence.. then she brought up da possibility dat she's my soulmate..then i thought, yeah dat could be it... u kno it really funny n freaky at the same time to have sum1 who sometimes acts like u, thinks like u, speaks like u.. but most of the time it bloody funny!! hahahaha!!! well adios peeps... got stuff 2 do!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

16 April 2005 (The Loneliness)

just when you think u can achieve something, something else comes up.. third place... we got 3rd place for the bowling tourney.. oh well, i suppose since we played like crap i suppose we deserve it.. hahaha.. ever since N when went back, we've been msg a lot n i mean a lot.. plus we've been talkin on the fone.. even though there's like a 7 hour time difference i still manage to be able 2 talk.. since i dun even go into class most of the time so its no big deal.. its been a long time since i've had a conversation with someone.. u kno the kind of conversation dat u pour your out wats in your heart n soul because u kno dat other person is willing to listen.. n in return they pour out theirs.. it like a mutual exchange.. sharing feelings help me cope with stress.. she feels the same way 2.. i guess we need each others support.. since we have certain things in common its pretty easy for us to talk bout stuff.. i kno she's goin through tough times.. school, relationships, life.. all of that is going to shit.. i didnt expect to ever warm up to her u kno? at first i thought wow she's in med school, she's goin 2 be a doctor, she has a boyfriend who loves her... the fact was her boyfriend treats her like crap.. since i found out about i cant stop thinkin dat in someways she's just like me.. she once told me dat all she wanted was happiness.. the freaky thing was i 2 just wanted happiness.. u kno some people take it for granted.. i've been through a lot of shit n i kno dat the most important thing in life, is happiness.. it doesnt really matter who u share it with.. its the thought dat counts.. so the both of us are really just tryin to make each other happy.. to make our loneliness disappear.. although i'm spendin a fortune msgin her, in the end its all worth it.. at least i'm not alone.. at least i'm happy.. adios...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

9 April 2005 (Psyched)

i'm officially ready for the bowling tourney!!!!! with an average of 142 pins!!! woohooo!!! a lillte higher than that then i'm ready to play in big tourneys!!!!! i wonder if my parents will mind if i bought bowling gear... hmmmm... maybe yes but they'll accept it eaither way..... ahahaha wat a week... yesterday's practice session went well for me... not so well for Z and hyena... i'm tryin to figure out a way to get them psyched cause thats the only way they can do well... maybe a little music can do the trick... well i hope we do win this tourney... we've practiced a lot and we've improved so i think we have a chance... the problem now is i'm flat broke... btw to anyone who is reading this i'm selling my nike shox for $90.. only wore em twice, size 10 US and its water proof... i really need money for practice and the uniform... of well... R and i have getting really close lately.. she's really nice despite the slight age gap... we have this bond thats seems as if we know wat the other is thinking.. maybe we are two of a kind... but then again she's not my type... havin someone to talk to this past few days is a blessing... chameleon and N... my 2 blessings... i've spent most of my time with them and i've enjoyed every moment... thanks girls... bot of u r the best friends i could have.. not to mention the looniest 2!!!! but i still wish the original group would get together again like old times... me, hyena, Z and chameleon... roaming around, going out, hanging out... hyena and Z are movin in a different direction than me and chameleon... i guess its inevitable... but i hope we can be like the old times for a few more times if not at least once... just the 4 of us, the world at our feet, nothing too stupid, nothing to crazy and nothing to dangerous to do... well thats it for now... gonna go bowling with my blessings... yay!!! adios peeps!!!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

6 April 2005 (The Flu)

i feel so sick i cant even see straight... with the work, bowling n other stuff to think about no wonder my head seems to pulsate more... hahaha shouldnt have slacked so much... but it cant be helped now.. exams are bout 3 weeks away n i'm no where close to understanding the crap i've been fed... i guess i wont be passing this semester... sigh... wish life would be much easier.. i wish i was a kid again... no worries... nothing much to think bout.. life was to be taken as it was.. sigh... kids nowadays... they dont know wats waiting for them... hahaha i cant wait for the day i see my little cousins scamper here and there to get their essay done in time... hahaha bowling practice went well... but my sore finger brought my average down last practice... crap... i need those things u wrap roun your fingers.... n a wrist band to stop my wrist from throwing the wrong way... hahaha wonky fingers... hahaha.. update on love life... i have none... its just sad really... why do i go after girls who r not right for me.... hahah its like a curse... its always the girls i dont want going after me instead... hahaha red bag!!!! hahahaha bowling tourney is a week away... goldfish finally joined with his team... i'm not worried.. my scores are more consistent than any of his or his teammates... the only 1 who hasnt practiced is hyena.... personally i wouldnt worry too much but somethings up... somethings amiss... well i'll find out sooner or later... chameleon n her sister are going to miri today to check for bowling gear.. i asked them to do a price check.. if its expensive there i'll just go to s'pore to buy the gear.. i heard in s'pore they have nicer n cheaper gear... my fever n flu has been drivin me nuts.. cant sleep right... cant eat right... cant think straight... jus writing this blog i made a few mistakes.... cant wait for the long holiday... but i still hav 2 go to ubd cause english starts in june... arrggghhh.... why?!?!?!?! i wanna work n rest n hangout with my frenz........ oh well.... guess dats it.. adios peeps...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

5 April 2005 (Bowling Frenzy)

wat a week.... bowling practice, bowling practice, bowling practice... the good news is my average is getting higher!!!! the bad news is my fingers are so sore i can hardly type an sms... sigh... guess trade offs like dat happen often... on other things.... despite gettin misscalls from J which i have been dying to get... i didnt reply any of them... i dunno why... maybe its because she didnt answer my msg last friday... or maybe i've just realized that she's the kind of person who would lie through their teeth even though in the end it would hurt that person... i hate those kind of people... if you're reading this J, keep it in mind... crap, i'm suppose to be in class right now.. wat am i doing here writing this blog... maybe i jus wanna avoid J for the time being... maybe i dont really need her... well nonetheless if she needs me i'll be willing to do watever i can.. i'm just a msg away.... chameleon's sister is goin back to uk soon... i finally found out her age but i promised not to tell anyone.... well i guess thats it for now... Z n the rest must be looking for me by now.. adios peeps...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

2 April 2005 (April's Fool)

another day, another story... chameleon has finally decided to break off with ah kit again.. but for how long... spending time with chameleon n her sis has been a blast this past few days.. great times.. some of my happiest times were with her... i dunno why i feel like that... maybe i've fallen?? who knows... even though i know she's not my type and i'm not hers, why do i have strong felings for her??? i guess its my loneliness is wats pulling me towards her... Z felt sorta left out since i've been goin out with chameleon a lot and making plans without her... but its all okay now... yesterday was april fools day.. somehow i forgot bout it... i got a call from kb yesterday... i didn't know who it was... i was havin a shower when my phone rang... then J miscalled out of the blue in the afternoon... then i found out from tikus dat the house call from kb was j's house number.. and when i msged her, no reply... wat is she tryin to pull... who cares.. i dunno wat 2 say anymore.. i'm so tired... i'm so sick of girls who cant decide on their feelings... well i gtg again... adios...